Tomer Gabel's annoying spot on the 'net RSS 2.0
# Monday, September 11, 2006

These last few months have been some of the busiest of my life. Back in May I decided to postpone my studies in the Technion to resume working for Monfort full-time, and in the interim managed to complete several projects, visit several countries (besides China, which I already wrote about, I visited Japan, Hong Kong and Korea).

The net result was very little free time, which reflects in the post count:

(if you can't see this, you need glasses)

I want to get back on the horse, as it were, but I would also like to avoid ridiculous pledges that I have no idea whether or not I'll be able to hold up ("I pledge to write at least two major posts a week! No no, lets aim for something more feasible. I pledge to establish contact with an alien civilization by the end of the year!"), I'll make whomever is reading this a trade: I'll do my best to write more and more content, and you'll do your best to let me know what interests you.

Just to get the taste buds going, here are the current posts in the pipeline (i.e. open draft in Live Writer I'm trying to consistently work on):

  • Some free power tools (gnuplot, SVG, other GNU tools)
  • A comprehensive post about wikis, specifically MediaWiki and how our organization uses it to our advantage
  • A post about my two trips to Tokyo
  • Thorough review of the new audio equipment I've been buying lately
  • Occasional music/movie recommendation

If there are any specific points of interest, give me a holler...

Monday, September 11, 2006 4:32:01 PM (Jerusalem Standard Time, UTC+02:00)  #    -
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