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# Monday, 04 July 2005
Update: We need to be able to plan food quantities etc., so it's imperative that we know who/how many are coming. If you haven't already, please send in confirmation (preferably along with contact information for yourself and sceners you know). Also, we still haven't been able to get a hold of a video projector, so if you can help let us know!

After the flash success of June's IGDA/demo-scene gathering, we've decided to, er, implement our own: a proper demo-scene gathering, complete with BBQ, showing of new as well as old demos, and whatever the hell else we feel like doing! So, without further ado:


Thursday, July 28th 2005 at 20:00, give or take. Being late only means you get to spend less time here :-)


The psuedo-demoparty will be held on the lawn outside Monfort Software's building in Kibbutz Sa'ar. The kibbutz is located just north of Nahariya and here's how to get here:
  • Driving here is easy, though I suggest you use eMap or Walla Maps for reference: basically just get to Acco junction (the northest section of road 4), proceed north to Nahariya junction, proceed north still until you're just north of Nahariya - there'll be a "Sa'ar" signpost where you turn right to enter the kibbutz. Immediately after the gate turn left and you'll arrive at a fork; take the right road, proceed until you see a basketball court on your right. Turn right immediately after it, right again - we're the second building (the one with the parking lot). If you have any trouble or need more detailed instructions get in touch.
  • Take a train or bus to Nahariya (the central bus station is located 50 meters from the train station); take bus number 3, 24, 27 or any number of other busses and just ask the driver to drop you off near Sa'ar. It's an 8-minute walk from the bus station.


Well we hope most of the oldsk00l demosceners in Israel will show up, but obviously aspiring Israeli sceners and visiting sceners from abroad are welcome too! Just get in touch and let us know you're coming so we can have enough food and drink ready.

The main event is a big-ass BBQ for everyone, cold drinks and beer: this is a mostly social gathering. However we will have a retromachine available to play classic demos (P166, 64mb, Tseng E6000/ATi Rage II, SB AWE64 Gold + GUS GF1 1mb) as well as a copy of the MindCandy demo DVD; we'll probably have a decent machine to run newer demos on as well. If anyone intends to make a demo, go for it - it'll definitely be shown!

Other than that, just let us know what you think is good. There are terrific beaches minutes away from the partyplace; we can have classic cola-drinking, diskette/disc/hard-drive tossing competitions etc. If you have any ideas let us know!

How can I help?

We have most of the basics (including food, audio system, demo machine and general organization covered). We could really use your help in the following areas:
  • We are in need of a projector. Do you have, or know someone who has, a projector we can have on loan for a couple of days?
  • Help us spread the word! Send us any contact information you have for past and present Israeli sceners, and forward the invite to sceners you have contact with.
  • We're collecting Israeli scene media: pictures, videos, productions and any other relevant material. All that stuff will be inserted into an Israeli demo-scene wiki, so if you have anything make sure to send it out way!
  • Good ideas are absolutely welcome!
If any of this applies to you, make sure to get in touch as soon as possible!


The event is hosted and sponsored by Monfort Software Ltd., which is where us organizers work; consider this a shameless plug: we're looking for great programmers to join our team! Want to work in a dynamic environment with a bunch of other demosceners? Want to work on realtime 3D engines, .NET applications ranging from enterprise systems to compilers to a huge variety of software products? Come have a look. I did. :-)

Get in touch

You can contact us in one of many ways. Being the primary contact you can just use my contact page, or call me directly (0x209E1F5A). If needs be feel free to contact Scroll Lock (0x207994A4, 0x1F38899A). Can't read hex?

Who's coming?

The following sceners have confirmed their attendance: Scroll-Lock, Crunch, MMX, Thalja, Jonny (YOE); Kombat, Rage (Immortals); Dark Spirit (TTOM); Civax (Moon Hunters); Borzom, Sticky Baboon (Tatoo); Holograph, Protopad, Vandal (Pulse, BSP); Nyarlothotep (Kult); Silvatar, Diffuse (Flood); Fizz, TheMage, Mutant, Blutz. Nyc Kid (Moon Hunters) will probably be there as well.

Thinking of coming? Let us know!

Monday, 04 July 2005 15:14:14 (Jerusalem Standard Time, UTC+02:00)  #    -
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