Tomer Gabel's annoying spot on the 'net RSS 2.0
# Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Tidbit time:
  • Raymond has an über-interesting post on the potential security issues with C's strncpy, including an interesting bit of history.
  • Senthil Kumar's found out an interesting detail regarding the equality (==) operator in .NET System.String.
  • GAIM joins in on Google's Summer of Code project. I just wish I were a student living in the States with enough free time...
  • Remember the old Amiga game Cannon Fodder? Well I found this promitional (?) video for the CD-32 version of Cannon Fodder - so funny it's disturbing.
  • A pretty interesting post at The Register claims Microsoft's Windows 2000 operating system was a complete flop as far as security's concerned, but it marked an interesting shift in the company (and therefore the industry).
  • I don't find myself completely disagreeing with Roy Osherove that often, but his his take on The Grudge is completely opposite my own: the movie was not scary at all, for the most part very poorly acted and I came out of the theater feeling as though I've just wasted 37 NIS (the price for a preordered movie ticket in Israel, approximately $9 US - way too high anyway) and two hours of my life. On the other hand, I've found White Noise quite appealing; it didn't scare me proper (only System Shock 2's managed to do that in recent memory), but it did leave me unsettled, which is also pretty unusual. Probably the only good horror/thriller I've seen in ages is 2002's The Ring. I openly admit to not having seen the original Japanese version, nor have I seen the supposedly great The Sixth Sense. Working on it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:00:40 PM (Jerusalem Standard Time, UTC+02:00)  #    -
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